Chronic and Acute Pain
Most of us experience discomfort throughout our lives. Whether from a traumatic lifting injury, sleeping on an old mattress, using an unsuitable pillow or perhaps for no noticeable reason. Sadly for some, the discomfort can be disabling and can disrupt your day-to-day tasks.
Chiropractic treatment includes a comprehensive viewpoint of adjustments, deep tissue massage therapy as well as guidance to with exercise, weight management, postural assessment and advice to help you.
Acute Pain
Acute pain is temporary and also arises from something specific, such as an injury. Pain is a message from our brain to get us to pay attention and to do something about it.
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is pain that extends beyond the expected period of healing. There is no longer tissue damage. It should’ve healed by now and not be hurting. And in fact it often has healed. After 3-6 months the healing process has finished and the pain now has less to do with tissue damage or in fact the site of the pain. For various reason’s the brain is continuing to produce a pain message. It is more about the sensitization of the nervous system and the way the brain is interpreting incoming messages. So dealing with acute pain and chronic pain are totally different things.